Exploring New Horizons Outdoor Schools's Wish List

Price: $2.55
For our Loma Mar School
Price: $97.22
We need 6 spotting scopes for our Pigeon Point & Loma Mar campuses.
Price: $52 and up
For night hikes at Loma Mar!
Price: $23.35
We need 30+ pairs for all three campuses!
Price: $20.00
These come in packs of 6
Price: $129.95
For our Sempervirens campus
Price: $14.95
We are in need of durable, well-made, and long-lasting rain gear for children and adults.
Price: $12.99
We are in need of durable, well-made, and long-lasting rain gear for children and adults.
Price: $108 and up
For the Sempervirens dining hall
Price: $16.99
Padded chairs for staff use in the Sempervirens dining hall.
Price: $21.54
Ergonomic chairs for staff use in the Sempervirens dining hall.
Price: $3280
For use by our Loma Mar & Pigeon Point schools at the beach and on trails.
For the organic garden at Loma Mar.
For the organic garden at Loma Mar.
For the organic garden at Loma Mar.

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